- The Lists
Did you ever go out on a camping trip, and wonder if you forgot something?
We might read the Book, and wonder if we're missing some important point.
We are blessed to know that Scripture was given in order that we would understand,
and that means: the message will be coherent. Sometimes the content is as plainly
laid out as the list we take to the grocery store.
Some lists say "Do these", and others say "DON'T do those." Some say "Find a way to do these things",
and others say "Watch for these qualities." If you've read through a list, then you've seen the idea.
Then comes the lifetime adventure of living the message contained in the lists.
- Advent, 2014
- Word Pictures
We've heard that a picture is worth a thousand words.
Could we also say the Word is worth many thousands of pictures?
Here, then, our humble tribute in pictures.