How LCMS works What gets the delegate ready for the Convention?
Gentlemen! Welcome to the Elders Library!
You always wanted to be a Man of the Church,
ready to help the Pastor as he carries out his duties,
ready to pitch in or lead as the need arises,
alert and discerning as the Scripture calls all Believers to be.
What makes that happen?
Every man needs:
a landmark to navigate by
a mountain to scale
a wall to punch through
a berm to climb over
a project to complete
a puzzle to crack
a path to follow.
You're in the ideal situation:
Your Pastor is a very qualified professor.
You, the student, can ask him "What shall I learn next?", and he can tell you.
This website is a catalog of projects.
Complete any one of them, and you've gained something.
These are NOT DIY (do-it-yourself)!
These are occasions to talk to the Pastor, so you can learn from him.
This page is NOT a list of required activities.
You don't have to do them all.
Pick the ONE project you want to do next, and discuss with Pastor.
Let the Pastor decide when you have mastered the skill at hand.
Many of the activities involve teamwork: working with committee-members, Head Elder, Board members.
That's the fun part of growing as a Man of the Church.
Go on a tour of this website. Talk to the Pastor. Pick a project. Let's get the adventure started!
You are, of course, looking to see which men of your congregation
would be good future elders.
You're already pulling them in to the functioning of the church:
ushering, trustee duties, help with projects and activities.
What training do they need?
Instruction on the basics of Bible and Confession, by the Pastor.
The projects found at this website might be just the thing
to get those eager young men in touch with Pastor for that proper upbringing. Pastors,
You already have the instinct.
Some men want to take on responsibilities in the church,
and you know first to sit them down for some Bible study!
This website is a collaborative effort,
to set projects before the men of the church,
to stir curiosity and to encourage them to talk to you about the things they learn.
You would recognize this material as classes, with curricula and syllabi.
You may know of a project that should be added to this website!
We'd like to hear from you: Contact Us Ladies, we're all in this together.
Please feel free to explore this website, and use any info you find.
Nothing hidden here.
Men need to do what men do best, so they can support the ladies doing what ladies do best.
You might know a man - husband, brother, son, ..., who'd like to do some of the projects we have here.
Thank you!